Hi! Any recommended brands for the pre-conception supplements ? I’d love links/recommendations if you have any :)

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For Omega-3 I used (and still use) Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X (https://www.nordic.com/products/ultimate-omega-2x/?variant=39472192127160).

Protein - either Centenarius Nutrition (very clean whey, it's one ingredient) (https://centenariusnutrition.com/collections/all/products/protein?variant=37335693033645).

OR Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Chocolate Flavor (https://www.optimumnutrition.com/en-us/Products/Shakes-%26-Powders/OPTIMUM-NUTRITION-GOLD-STANDARD-100%25-WHEY-PROTEIN/p/gold-standard-100-whey-protein).

Choline - I get plenty through eating eggs (usually 3-4 for breakfast) and if supplementing - Jarrow Formulas (https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/jarrow-formulas-citicoline-cdp-choline-250mg-60-capsules/jf-7102).

Magnesium - I usually go with generic Vitamin Shoppe or Soloray brand. (https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/chelated-magnesium-bisglycinate-180-tablets/ka-7288).


B12 - I use a B-complex for this, I like the Jarrow Formulas (https://www.iherb.com/pr/jarrow-formulas-b-right-100-veggie-caps/110?gclid=CjwKCAjwvdajBhBEEiwAeMh1U4LAuQgwo1lDuTJoJnEILlY999z8VLY3frAnA6SQjzUuta_BRl_vAhoCVpoQAvD_BwE).

Vitamin D - sunshine + Soloray's Vitamin K2 + D3 formula (https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/vitamin-d-3-k-2-60-vegetarian-capsules/so-2197).

If you wanted to start taking them before conception (I did), the prenatals I used, in the beginning, were pretty generic (target brand) then I switched to Soloray (digestion aid) (https://solaray.com/products/once-daily-prenatal-multi-vitamin?_pos=1&_sid=1f6f21b2e&_ss=r).

I highly recommend speaking with your doctor/practitioner before starting any new supplement/diet protocol.

I hope this helps, Happy conceiving <3

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by BowTiedHeifer

These are so helpful thank you!!! I’ve already incorporated magnesium and have seen a significant mood and energy improvement :) would you happen to have any pre- pregnancy literature you recommend as well? I’ve heard Emily Oyster’s book is reliable

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Glad to hear it’s helping 🥰

Love both of her books - Cribsheet (after birth) & Expecting Better!

Deep Nutrition - Catherine Shanahan - is great (not just for pre-pregnancy & pregnancy, but generationally as well).

The Pregnant Athlete - Brandi & Steven Dion

Like with anything, take everything you read with a grain of salt & apply what feels right to you for your pregnancy 😇

If you want some instagram accounts to follow -> thelabormama hortonlane mamastefit

(All wonderful sources).

These are just my top picks!

Also highly recommend following IngriPauline on Twitter if you don’t already! She specializes in cycle syncing!

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I also want to add in some other great general sources for info. The Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden for hormones & cycle.

Fear Free Childbirth by Alexia Leachman (she has a podcast that she mentions in the book with tons of different birth stories and resources).

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